The general objective
Of the project
The general objective of the project will be to increase the capacities of HE institutions and improve the legislative framework for the implementation of EMI (English Medium Instruction) study programmes in Montenegro.
Universities in Montenegro should engage more intensely in internationalisation initiatives in order to become fully fledged partners in the European Education Area. One of the most important internationalisation activities is the provision of study programmes in foreign languages, primarily in English. Currently, the first study programme of economics in English language of the largest and the only state university has provisionally been approved, still with many procedural uncertainties that need to be resolved. Introduction of study programmes in English language should not be understood as a formal way "to be modern" and to fulfil national and EU goals, but a way how universities can become more socially engaged especially towards vulnerable social groups such as migrants in Montenegro, who are demanding such programmes, and also a way how to improve the quality of its studies by embracing diversity and opening for cooperation within the EU context and globally. One of the most important effect of this project would be increased possibility for participation of Montenegrin HEI in the European universities initiative.
Therefore, the specific goals of this project are:
- Creation of evidence base for planning of the provision of English medium instruction in HE. The goal will be reached by carrying out – from one side a market analysis of factors determining attractiveness of EMI programmes in Montenegro, and from the other side an analysis of the capacities for such programmes mainly related to language proficiency of teachers, availability of free teaching time and financial viability. Digital solutions will support the analyses, as an upgrade of the existing university information systems. Evidence of student interest (both from within the country and from abroad) will be set up, also by digital means, so that the two analyses can provide an evidence-based roadmap for future programmes. An annual call for pipeline of new study programmes in foreign languages will be set up at universities as an open tool for expressing the interest of individual faculties / programmes for joining the movement. A new conference will enable deepening of research activity on the topic of HE internationalisation.
- Building up university capacities for the implementation EMI-s and integration of foreign students. The goal will be reached by the establishment of the missing university regulations, based on a benchmark analysis with EU partners including the needed administrative capacities; creation of a financial model for foreign language studies which includes provision of scholarships for international / migrant students and additional staff for foreign student support; mastering English language courses for teachers and Montenegrin language for foreign students; providing trainings for teachers and students on inter-cultural communication; special support service for migrant students; cultural exchange events and conversations with foreign students and teachers.
- Enhancement of quality and visibility of the accredited programme in Business and Economics in English language. The goal will be reached by the involvement of teachers from partner EU institutions in the teaching process; the realisation of professional development programs for teachers from Montenegrin HEI; providing policy recommendations for the programme improvement, based on the market analysis, formative assessment and benchmark studies; provision of students’ mobility at partner institutions and EU business entities as needed; provision of teacher training programmes (MOOC specialisations / special courses etc.); provision of new teaching materials in English language and incentives for the creation of new textbooks and gamified materials by revision of web pages in English language; creating content for English study programme and updating all the university pages; creating digital marketing campaign responsive to the market analysis results.
- Removing legal barriers and building up public authorities' capacities for the establishment, monitoring and quality control of the study programmes in English. The goal will be reached by proposing legal amendments and creation of new regulations at the Agency for Quality Assurance of HE and Ministry of Education, based on a benchmark analysis with partner countries and countries considered as good practice, including the analysis of administrative and financial capacities and potential optimisation of processes by digital tools; streamlining the adoption of new policy documents at the Parliament / Government / institution level; training of staff through job-shadowing at EU partners; promotion of new regulations among HE institutions and establishing channels of communication and agile management of recurring issues.